On the morning of April 20th, my dear friend Andrea received a call at the homeschool that her husband Trent's mother, Lorrie, his sister, Casie (who was nine months pregnant at the time), and his 4 year old niece, Caia, were involved in a very serious car accident.
Upon arrival to the hospital, Lorrie was rushed to surgery, but was unable to survive and hours later, little Caia passed away from severe injuries. We were so shocked and saddened by this event. Casie had a severely fractured pelvis but the next day, April 21st, she delivered a beautiful baby girl, Camerin Elise.
This was a a terrible thing that happened, but through it all, the Lord has moved in my heart on so many different levels following these events that I am forever changed. I invite you to share in reading some of the emails that I received from Wayne Schlecht, who is Lorrie’s husband, Casie’s father, and Caia’s grandfather. I will never be the same after experiencing such an outpouring of trust in the Lord and a testimony of the love that they had for one another.
As you may have heard, or may have not have heard – my most treasured Bride, Lorrie, and our special granddaughter, Caia, have been called Home by our Lord and Savior!!
Tuesday April 20th Casie Lea, the unborn baby {Camerin}, Lorrie and Caia were involved in a most tragic accident at Harrison and 22nd at approximately 8:45am. As a result of the other vehicle running through a red light Caia’s neck was instantly snapped, my Bride’s pelvic region, rib cage area and heart were severely injured and Casie Lea’s pelvic area and rib cage areas suffered fractures. The unborn baby was protected and not injured as much as we can tell at this time.
--Lorrie was immediately routed into surgery – but was unable to survive
--Caia joined her Grandma hand-in-hand into the presence of Jesus Christ and the Kingdom of God !
--Casie Lea has been moved into UMC’s Labor and Delivery, and her baby will be most likely delivered first thing Wednesday morning
To all of you who came to UMC in support of me, Chris, Casie Lea, Trent, Andrea and our entire family – I thank you from the bottom of my heart for blessing us with your presence, your love, your prayers and your care!!! And for all of you who were unable to join us – I only request that you keep all of us in your prayers!
I am writing this as I am unable to sleep, and as we all can imagine – some of the most traumatic and trying times are still ahead of this family. I literally feel already crippled without my Bride, and the void of having little Caia running amongst us is devastating. And then to see my Nando, Kristen and Nessie so crushed by the loss of their cousin and grandma burns a hole in my heart!!!
However, I know this is but a temporary stay for us, and that someday soon our Lord will return for the rest of us!! I so look forward to that day! I pray that our Lord will use this tragedy to capture just one soul, if not many, for his Kingdom, and I thank all of you for your LOVE!!
In closing, I would also ask that you please pray for the individual who was driving the other vehicle. In spite of anything which was done wrong by this person, he is still sorely in need of peace and comfort, and it can only be provide by our God!
Dear Lord … please be with all of us, and through it all – please permit us to be steadfast witnesses for you!
{I miss you my beloved Bride … and I will always have Sammy Eyes for you, my Lorrie, and for you, our Caia}
Note: It is 2:26am, and the phone just rang – Casie Lea’s water just broke, and I am going back to the hospital to be with her and Chris, in place of Lorrie!!! New LIFE is on its way!!!
Love you all!!!
Good day to you all …
Unbelievable!!!! The outpouring of LOVE and SUPPORT for the Schlecht/Roden families in these past three days has been nothing but miraculous!!!! We have heard from such lovely folks that have heard it from a friend of a friend, another family member or through so many prayer chains across the globe!!! Not one of your replies are taken for granted – not one of them – and we thank you so very much for your prayers and well wishes!!!
My son said it so well – he said “folks continuously ask us what can they do for you, and you simply have to reply with … you are already doing it tenfold through your loving support of providing us with well wishes and PRAYERS”.
Out of all the tragedies that have been experienced from this one collision comes a joyful event! Camerin Elise Roden was born to Casie Lea and Chris Roden at 9:am Tuesday April 21st. She was a mere 9 lbs. 2 oz., and 21 inches long. Folks, she is perfect, … and yes, I realize that I am submitting a biased report here!
Casie Lea battled for a tremendously long time to deliver Camerin naturally, but having suffered such pain from not only her contractions, but also from her shattered pelvis and broken ribs she finally begged for the most dreaded forceps! The doctor literally pulled on that newborn just short of placing his foot against the bed as he strained to get her to come out – literally pulled with all arm and upper body strength that he could muster {I was there with Chris holding my daughter’s hand – a task that my Bride was to do - but then I gladly filled in for her}. When that head finally greeted the world she instantly popped out a very PERFECT baby – literally a perfect baby with NO ill effects from the forceps.
Then the most apprehensive time came. Camerin Elise was immediately scheduled for an eye examination to see if Retinoblastoma existed in her eyes as a result of Casie Lea having the same cancer, and as a result of Caia having it in both of her eyes. Before I tell you what the doctors found in Camerin Elise’s eyes I want to impress upon you that family and all of those at the hospital {amongst many others who could not be there} turned those new born eyes over to our Lord. If Camerin Elise were to have the same disease {50/50 chance} we all were prepared to rejoice in the addition of yet another little child who would battle cancer, all the while being a witness for Christ. And, we would keep the issue in the Lord’s hands for future safe keeping and healing. Now, if she did not have the disease … we were prepared to rejoice in Christ for allowing Casie Lea, Chris and Camerin Elise to have two eyeballs which would be spared such procedures and pain that Caia Nicole and her parents had to endure for her two big beautiful brown eyes, a battle which was waged for over Caia Nicole’s entire lifetime {4-years} and which was won through prayer and relentless efforts of Casie Lea, Chris, family and friends.
Folks … Camerin Elise at this time is CANCER FREE!!!
Her eye examination came back absolutely free of any cancer. OUR LORD IS MAGNIFICENT, and all praise, glory and thanks go to HIM!!! What an answer to prayer. The next step is for Casie Lea and Chris to complete the second phase of already begun genetics testing to see if Camerin Elise has or does not have Casie Lea’s mutated gene, and if she does not – we ALL brush our hands of the whole lifetime of EUAs/MRIs and go forward with serving our Lord in a whole host of other ways, and yet, if she may have the mutated gene – we then remain diligent in performing the required EUAs and MRIs for purposes of pouncing all over whatever cancer wishes to set up home in these newborn eyeballs, and will remain steadfast in trusting our Lord through it all, as we did with Caia Nicole!!
And now, today we go to the hospital to celebrate Casie Lea’s 34th birthday, and to encourage her as she tries so hard to sit up, stand and take little shuffle steps. If she is able to accomplish these small feats she will be permitted to come home. And once she is able to come home we then can memorialize our most beloved Lorrie and Caia Nicole. We will not rush Casie Lea, however, IF SHE IS ABLE TO COME HOME soon we then will target {please remember that this is only a tentative date at this time} Thursday April 29th {at 1:pm} at Pantano Christian Church {29th street and Houghton} for celebrating our LORD, and for the time we were permitted to be with Lorrie and Caia Nicole. All are welcome to attend, and I will be sure to confirm the actual date as soon as I possibly can.
One more issue to address. I am uncomfortable in presenting this, and I only do so as so many folks are asking. With regard to flowers – there is no need to direct your hard earned dollars towards such a spend. If you feel strongly about contributing, please do so ONLY if you are moved to do so, and then I would suggest that you consider going to www.caialorrie.com. This account has been set up by Chris’ most loving and supportive colleagues. There is word that the other driver did not have insurance, and medical bills for both families are anticipated to be extraordinary. But again, ONLY if you were going to spend monies on flowers.
In closing … our Lord is an awesome God, and He has been magnificent in taking care of us through all that has taken place since this past Tuesday. Everyone has been so willing to assist the Schlecht – Roden families, and UMC has been absolutely awesome!!! Every last UMC staff member has treated our visitors, us, and especially Lorrie and Caia Nicole with utmost respect, dignity and a desire to assist in any way possible. A group of friends and family were preparing to join hands in prayer as little Camerin Elise was about to go into her eye examination, and a number of nurses came down the hallway. Our group stepped back to let them pass, and they said “no, no, we are here to join you in prayer”!!! AWESOME! The entire hospital is aware of what has occurred, and they have been doing all they can do in order to accommodate Casie Lea, Chris and Camerin Elise!!
We have a great God, and we never cease to praise Him!!!
I absolutely love and thank ALL of you …
Wayne Schlecht
Hello to all of you …
“Exhausted …”, that is the best way to describe how we are feeling at this time. I look forward to completing this update, and then I will happily lay my head to my pillow in the hopes of gaining a small portion of beauty sleep {good luck on that one, Schlecht}!
We brought Casie Lea, Chris and Camerin Elise home today. What a milestone this is considering as of yesterday Casie Lea was only able to inch her right foot forward by doing incremental land grabs with her toes only. She is now able to slowly and methodically lift those two feet in a very determined motion in order to swiftly gain approximately 6 inches at a time! A snail could pass her, all the while creating a back draft cold enough to give her a bit of a shiver! But nonetheless, she has made fantastic strides in getting her banged up body to start functioning such that she is able to navigate the homestead right now as long as three of the Schlecht/Roden guys are standing by in order to assist her in standing, using a walker to get to a wheelchair, and then to wheel her to the restroom, couch or a bed.
We are rejoicing that she is ABLE to come home to us, and that little Camerin Elise is eating well and sleeping most of the time! What a treasure from God – a little one who is healthy!
So, now that Casie Lea has arrived home we have definitively set Thursday April 29th @ 1:pm as my Bride’s and Caia Nicole’s memorial service to be conducted at Pantano Christian Church – Houghton and 29th Street {far east Tucson }. Immediately thereafter we will be having a ‘celebratory reception’ at the same location as well. All who have a desire to attend are most certainly welcome.
When attending, please be prepared for one thing … my Bride would not recognize me if I were to dress up – therefore, I will be arriving in my ‘ Tucson Sunday best CASUAL attire’. You are more than welcome to dress formally if you wish, however, it will be dress jeans, shirt and boots for me. In other words, please be relaxed when attending the “Lorrie – Caia Nicole” Memorial Service.
Another day completed, Lord – I thank you so much for all your love, your care, and for never leaving our sides since Tuesday April 20th. Through our faith in You, we are weathering the storm, dear God, and we appeal to You that our situation provides for a conduit for many souls to be strengthened towards, or won over to Your Kingdom! Good night Lord – and if you wouldn’t mind, would you please consider wrapping your warm, reassuring protective arms around me as I put forth every effort to sleep …? Thank you.
Sincerely …
Lorrie’s and Caia Nicole’s Service:
Ohhh, how much we needed that opportunity to take time to remember our beloved Lorrie and Caia Nicole. There were so many family and friends in attendance, including folks we did not even know {word has it that there were close to 800 people who came to Pantano Christian Church for the service}. Folks came from Tucson , and they came from afar, to remember our two beautiful ladies, and we shall forever be grateful for the outpouring of love from all of you! For those of you who were unable to be there, it was absolutely a remarkable remembrance of our two Ladies, and it was most definitely a celebration of our Lord! Even though it was quite taxing on those of us who were able to say a few words, the entire service and reception was still an opportunity for all of us to share and to support each other through our memories, and through our faith!
Pantano Christian Church {PCC}:
There are no words available to me which could adequately express the Schlecht’s and Roden’s heartfelt appreciation for what PCC’s staff did for our families! They did anything and everything possible in support of us, and we thank them from the depths of our appreciative hearts!
Camerin Elise Roden:
SLEEPS!!!! Then she seeks sustenance – then she SLEEPS!!!
Casie Lea:
Casie Lea is still in great pain – but there are signs of progress! She is producing more and more humorous attitude, and her physical therapy is keeping her on a steady ascent of improved capabilities in walking, sitting, standing and sneezing!
Chris, Casie Lea and Camerin Elise Roden:
Have moved. Yes, as if the past two weeks have not already been filled with mind boggling challenges, the kids also moved into their newly acquired homestead! They are now only three miles away from Trent and Andrea’s family. As you can imagine, this is such a good situation, which allows for Andrea and Casie Lea to be close to each other for support.
The actual move was performed by over seventeen men and women; four trailers, eight trucks, tons of drinks, morning made waffles and an afternoon hoagie sandwich! Never have I been a part of a move such as this one. Then, to top it off, a number of men and women remained at the new homestead in order to assist Casie Lea and Chris in getting the boxes unpacked! What a great group of family and friends, and I thank each and everyone of you who had a part in this endeavor!!
Trent, Andrea, Nando, Kristen and Janessa:
Have been absolute pillars of support! Even though these kids have lost a mother, grandmother, niece and cousin, they have been tremendous in overseeing so many events which have been keeping our families moving forward! Trent and Andrea – we love you to no end, and we appeal to you to now please take time for your own family!!!
The entire Schlecht-Roden Family:
We have leaned heavily upon each other .. and we continuously seek our Lord! My word, how does one get through such an ordeal without being able to lean on our God? We are grateful to our Father for providing comfort through His Word, assurances that we will soon be in His presence, and; the unimpeded minute by minute opportunity to be at the foot of the Cross in prayer!
Family and Friends of the Schlecht’s-Roden’s:
I want so desperately to be able to serve you one day as you have us – only for differing circumstances. The SUPPORT … the CONDOLENCES … the willingness to SERVE … the absolute unconditional LOVE that all of you have extended has impacted us FOREVER! We will never be able to repay you in like manner, however, we will never cease in trying to do so – never!!! We thank you so much for all that you have done for these three families, and if there is ever a time in which you would need assistance, we can only hope that you include us in your appeals!
Moving on:
This is the most difficult terrain facing us presently. My son and I were in each other’s arms on the driveway tonight – my daughter and I short circuited our phones with tears – Chris and Casie Lea are unpacking boxes filled with memories of our little four year old who will always be remembered … and yet we all can still rejoice! We have a God who does not waste hurt, and as a result, He is, and has been using the deaths of my beloved Bride and Caia Nicole for the salvation of many, and the strengthening of many believer’s faith, even as I write! For that, I remain resolute in prayer that the Kingdom of God will use Lorrie and Caia Nicole for many, many more lives to be won over to Christ until such time He returns!
This will be my last update concerning all that has transpired with the Schlechts and Rodens since that most unfortunate day of April 20th, as I will be returning to work starting Monday. I would invite you to remain with us in prayer that our Lord will continue to use not only Lorrie and Caia Nicole in sharing the Cross, but that He would use you and me through our love and service for others as well.
We will forever be indebted to you for all that you have done for us – and we now take our turn in keeping you in our prayers.
May God protect and bless you …
Wayne Schlecht
{Dear God – please take but a brief moment each day to tell our ladies that we love them so much … thank you}.
Friends, this story doesn’t stop here. These emails went as far as China, New Zealand and to many parts of the world. Many believers were empowered and strengthened while this testimony moved many to believe this beautiful gospel of forgiveness and new life in Christ that is being preached throughout the world.
While I sat at this memorial service, I wept as I heard Casie talk about her mom. She said just a short trip to the cleaners would be so much more fun when her mom came along. I felt the same way about my mom. Casie shared that when Caia suffered from eye cancer in both eyes, her mom went to every doctor’s appointment with her and she feared the doctors would think she was “one of those grandmas.” Casie appreciated her mom and how much fun they had together and that she would miss her best friend. My heart melted for her loss.
I cried as Casie shared the memories she had with her little Caia. She said she was special and everyone there at the memorial service testified that it was true. Indeed, this little girl was special in every way. I was broken thinking about how much I loved my own kids and how I would do anything for them. I saw this mother stand up in front of all of these people in pain with a shattered pelvis holding her new baby, while putting to rest this beautiful 4 year old girl who went to be with the Lord, all the while continuously pointing to Jesus as her source of comfort. This was all too much to take in.
And then Lorrie’s son, Trent...He talked about how much he appreciated everyone praying for them. The next thing he said just struck right to the heart. He told his dad in front of 800 people, “Dad, I just wanted to personally thank you for loving my mom. It gives me great comfort knowing that you loved my mom and treated her the way she deserved to be treated . Thanks, dad.”
What a beautiful testimony. During the memorial service, I witnessed this great confidence that they had. They knew that their mom and grandmother knew exactly how they felt about her. In my heart, I didn’t have that same confidence. Did my mom know how much I enjoyed trips to the store and to the doctor’s office so much more when she was with me? Did she know how much I appreciated her?
This death brought so much more to my life than they will ever know. This experience moved me to express to my mom how much I appreciate her and to be a better mother and wife. Over the last several days, I have felt compelled to write a poem about my mom. As I thought about this, I started to doubt myself so I prayed that the Lord would give me the words to say. I’m certainly not a poet, but I know without a doubt that this poem has been given to me for my mom by the power of the Holy Spirit.
This poem is written in honor of my mom, Carol , Casie Lea and in loving memory of Lorrie Schlecht. These are three wonderful moms and two beautiful grandmothers. Happy Mother’s Day to all of you mothers out there.
I’ll Never Forget...You Were There For Me
I’ll never forget my childhood and how much fun we used to have. I used to think you must have gotten so bored being home with us all the time. Little did I know, you gave up everything to give me the best. At every volleyball game, softball game, Christmas program, award ceremony, and for every sniffle...
You were there for me, mom.
I’ll never forget those nights I suffered with asthma. I would wake up to that scared look on your face knowing there was nothing you could do for me. Somehow you always made me feel better. You would just rub my back and cry with me...
You were there for me, mom.
I’ll never forget my rebellious teenage years when I wouldn’t listen to you. I was doing my own thing and you tried so hard to say the right things to help me. I chose my own way and treated you disrespectfully. But through it all, you loved me...
You were there for me, mom.
I’ll never forget taking off on weekends to go and visit Aunt Ellen or taking trips to the cabin. I remember how much fun we would have on the drive there and how hard we laughed when the waitress at the Chinese restaurant couldn’t pronounce Pepsi...
You were there for me, mom.
I’ll never forget you running through the hospital in Phoenix when I was delivering the twins, your first grandchildren. It was your 33rd wedding anniversary and you chose to get on a plane to come and see this grand event. I’ll never forget you holding your grandchildren for the first time...
You were there for me, mom.
I’ll never forget how much you helped me when my babies were born. You stayed with me and fed the babies, changed diapers, and stayed up at night just so I could sleep. And when you pulled your clothes out of the suitcase when you got home, you cried when you saw the little bootie stuck to your shirt...
You were there for me, mom.
I’ll never forget when I was down and out and had no one to turn to...two little boys to take care of, no money, and no place to live. You took us in and gave us a place to live and encouraged me to pick myself up and get back on my feet...
You were there for me, mom.
I’ll never forget my college graduation. I saw you in the crowd like I’d seen so many times before. Your little twin grandsons were sitting beside you. I saw you take pictures when they called my name and I took hold of that diploma...
You were there for me, mom.
I’ll never forget my wedding day. What a beautiful day for a wedding. Out in the crowd, I saw you again...like all the other times. I could see in your eyes how happy you were for me. You made my day complete just being there to share my day...
You were there for me, mom.
I’ll never forget as I ponder all of these memories. They come flooding back to me like a river. I treasure each of them in my heart and mom, on this Mother’s Day, I want you to know, I love you...and I will never forget...
You were there for me, mom.

Stacy, I know my mom would be honored to know that you used her testimony for a Mother's Day blog. Yesterday was an emotionally tough day for the Schlecht/Roden family, but as I read this with tears in my eyes, it is comforting to know that our Lord continues to touch lives through Mom and Caia's lives; both Christians and non-believers.
ReplyDeleteThank you,