Friday, January 14, 2011

In the Midst of the Tragedy in Tucson…Good News!

John 16:33 I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.

Since hearing the tragic news this past Saturday of the horrific shooting at the shopping center here in Tucson, I have practically been glued to the TV and other online news outlets. My mind has gone through scenario after scenario of what I would have done if I would have come upon a scene like that knowing that I frequent the stores in my Tucson area, usually with my two young daughters in tow. In fact, this store is just a few miles from my house. A sick feeling lingered at the pit of my stomach just imagining the emergent situation that erupted and how handicapped I would have felt.

Day after day, the news media revisits these gruesome events that took place at Safeway just six days ago. At first it’s surreal with no names associated with it…but then the photos appear on the TV. Six of them dead and many others wounded. Every news channel you turn to, you see the face of a little 9 year old girl, an elderly woman, Gabrielle Giffords, a young man, and others. But here is what the news doesn’t show…the photos of the thousands of people that are affected by this tragedy. Thousands of tears shed behind closed doors and at their loved ones’ funerals. They can’t photograph the pain and loss they feel. It’s impossible to photograph the future birthdays they will miss and the family vacations that won’t be taken. It’s such a great loss. These events are shown over and over, but in the next couple of months, we will seldom hear anything about this tragedy because the mews outlets will determine there is something more newsworthy to take up the airways. But those who lost someone they love will bear permanent scars, pain, and sadness in the hearts for years to come.

“Who could have done such a thing?” I thought as I looked at the blood spattered Safeway entrance. I guess I had my own expectations. Maybe he was a big burley, tattooed, scary guy. But instead, they showed a photo of a boy. He was just a young boy, not much older than David when the Lord anointed him King. But what I difference in the hearts of these two young men. Day after day, more and more of Jared Loughner’s life has been plastered all over the TV. I heard him being described as a devil worshipper, weirdo, crazy, trouble-maker, and many other things. I thought about his parents and how they must feel. Their son, who they raised and loved, has done something so terrible. My heart just hurt for them. I just want to show up at their house and tell them how much I care about them and love them.

It has been such a sad time for the city of Tucson…so many families affected. I know how special my family is to me and I couldn’t even imagine how they feel. It’s been bad news for them and for us and for our country. But an amazing thing has happened in my heart over these past six days. I have been amazed at the peace I have in my heart. What’s the reason for my peace? You see, even in this tribulation, I have good news…I have the best news. John 16:33 I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world. Jesus is waiting for you, for us. He wants to be the Lord and Savior of your life and mine. He is still able and willing to forgive your sins and mine. Here is the reality…everyone…without Jesus, is lost, just like Jared. But here is the best news…no sin is too big for Jesus. Jesus is able to forgive ALL sin. Jesus is waiting for Jared and for you and for me to come to Him…He is waiting with opens arms. He is ready to take our sin is far as the east is from the west to not remember our sin (Psalm 103:12). Jesus is able to touch lives and transform us, even the life of Jared. The bible is full of lives changed by the power of Jesus Christ. The apostle Paul was killing Christians and the Lord touched His life and transformed him and the very thing he lived to destroy, he lived the rest of his life to build up. He gave his life for Jesus and so can you and so can Jared. Friends, this is the reality of being touched by Jesus Christ. This is such good news! The blood of Jesus is so powerful, even Jared Loughner can be forgiven. If God can forgive this horrific tragedy, he can forgive us of anything we have ever done or going to do.

Here is a challenge to all of the Christians in the world…lift Jared Loughner up in prayer. We have the privilege of praying to the God of the Universe and He says we can come to Him with confidence knowing that when we ask, He hears (Hebrews 4:16). And if He hears, He answers! We may think Jared is an impossible case and unable to be reached, but Jesus is able to do immeasurably more than we could ever ask or think…so I encourage you to all to ask (Ephesians 3:20). Ask that the Lord would move mightily in his life and in his heart. Ask that Jared would receive the forgiveness that we all need. Be a part of the work of Jesus Christ and instead of a massacre, the Lord can create a masterpiece!

I am happy to say in the midst of this tragedy, there is still Good News…it is Jesus Christ. We don’t need more gun control, more security, more laws, more politics…the world only needs Jesus. It’s all we need and He’s totally sufficient to meet all of our needs. I encouraged you all if you have not done personal business with Jesus, now is the time. He is waiting for you and He is able to transform your life. Take this first step in your transformation by receiving Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior. Your salvation is very important to God-so much so that he gave His only Son to die for your sins:

For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.
For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved.
He that believeth on him is not condemned: but he that believeth not is condemned already, because he hath not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God.

God is not willing that any should perish, and that includes you! (2Peter 3:9). So pray this prayer:

Heavenly Father,
I thank You for sending Jesus into the world. I realize that I need a Savior.
Jesus, come into my life. I submit all my life to You, and I thank you for giving me eternal life. Amen.

If you have just made Jesus your Lord and Savior, I invite you to send me an email . I would love to encourage you in your new walk with Jesus and pray for you.

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