Thursday, April 22, 2010

Today I Begin

I had such an awesome day with the Lord. I talked to my pastor today and he suggested I start a blog. So here I am. I have no idea what I'm doing, but the Lord will show me what to do. I have been so heavy in my heart the last few days. I moved to a new part of the city. I have been homeschooling Charlie and Chad in a homeschool group for the past four years. I love this group. I had been feeling there may be some changes coming to our group and have been been praying about it and asking some friends to pray for me. Yesterday I had a knock on the door and it was my neighbor down the street. She came in and ministered to me for almost an hour. She told me about her little granddaughter, Gracie. She had several dreams about the Lord. It was amazing at what she had seen. She told her grandma so many astounding things. She went into a room with Jesus and she saw the throne. She said, "Nana, there were gold flowers all over the chair and it had red and white carpet in the room. The walls were like marble. She said she went into a room and she saw a big book. She explained, "Nana, Jesus checks in this books for everyone's name. If your name isn't in the book, you can't stay with Him." Then she told her grandmother that God didn't desire this, and as long as the earth was still here, everyone had a chance to have their names written in it. Then she told her she saw a huge box and she told her, "Nana, those big rocks that Moses carried, they were in this box." Then she told her grandmother something so profound...she said, "Nana, satan tries to steal the love of God away from His people, and he doesn't even love them." I just sat there in awe. I knew the Word of God was true. Psalm 8:2 Out of the mouth of babes and nursing infants, You have ordained strength. I was astounded and completely longing to be close to the Lord.

I walked my neighbor out and I asked her to pray for me that I would have clarity and peace about anything the Lord wanted to do in my life. I told her when I moved into this neighborhood last month, I felt the Lord moving in my heart that He had new horizons for me. She told me that when God parted the Red Sea for the Israelites, the Israelies would tell all of the generations about it. She said it says in Deuteronomy that God made a path in the sea that no one knew was there. She said softly, "I think that is for you." God has a plan for you and you might not see it, but He has it for you. I was blessed and went away longing to spend time in the Lord. I looked at the pile of dishes that hadn't been done and what was worse it was the third batch I had to do. But I told the Lord, "I need to clear my schedule for you." So I did and I sat down in my bible and reminded the Lord that that Matthew 5:6 says, Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for those will filled. I felt a longing in my heart to hear from my Father and be filled completely with Him. I hadn't felt this hunger for such a long time, as the daily job of being a wife and mother consumes me at times. As I sat there and read His word, He ministered to me in such a beautiful way. All through the evening, I felt there was something that He wanted to make clear to me.

In the middle of the night, I woke up. I had this most amazing dream. Now I haven't dreamt in years. My daughters wake me up almost every night and I never really get to a deep sleep. But not this night. In my dream, I was riding in the back seat of a car. My dad was driving and my mom was in the driver's seat. We were driving over a bridge over this huge body of water. All of a sudden, the bridge melted away and then the car melted away around us. We were flying through the air. We plunged into this huge body of water. I remember thinking in the dream. This is the best time of year for this to happening. The water was like body temperature. There was no shock. I was totally comfortable. I thought, "I guess we better start swimming." I knew no one would find us. There was no car and no bridge so we had to swim. My mom started swimming away really fast. I yellled out to her, "Mom, preserve your energy. We have a long way to shore." And then, as in a twinkling of an eye, we were safe at shore.

I awoke and knew the Lord spoke to me. I felt in my heart that He was taking me on a journey. I wouldn't be able to see the shore and He was going to remove the bridge and everything around me and plunge me into this huge body of opportunity. But that He would not leave me alone. He would be with me every lap to the shore. God totally ministered to me in His own special way.

I just thought it so profound that my mom and dad were in my dream. So I called my mom and told her about it. She talked for a while and then she told me something that blessed me. She said, "Dad and I have started praying every night together." I realized that our God is a very efficient God. He was not only going to plunge me into new opportunities, but was also working in the hearts of my family and they too, with prayer, would see the goodness of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Thank you so much for allowing me to share. Clear your schedule for Him and ask Him to fill you. Because if we stop and ask God to fill us with the only thing that lasts, He is faithful to provide that "fill" in our lives. Matthew 7:7-8 Ask, and it will be given to you, seek, and you will find, knock, and it will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives, and he who seeks finds, and to him who knocks it will be opened.



  1. Thanks for sharing. It is always exciting to watch God work in everyone's life. Keep us posted on the journey He has you on.

  2. Hey Stacy, It's Heidi from the airport in Wisconsin. I switched jobs. My new e-mail is My blog is

    It's great to see you...even if it just on the computer. Heidi
